Extra Help With Medical Costs
After an Injury

Accident Medical Expense Plan (AME)

Facing the Unexpected

You may be left with deductibles, co-pays or co-insurance responsibilities after a covered accident, even after your
health insurer pays your claim.

We can help cover your out-of-pocket medical costs.

About AME Coverage


After a covered accident, the Accident Medical Expense Plan pays cash reimbursements after you pay the plan deductible* toward a variety of medical treatments and expenses not covered by your major medical plan or any other insurance.

So you can get on with life, with less stress, and less strain on your finances, to help you make a better recovery.

Get Your Quick Quote

Get an idea of how much you’ll pay for a plan in moments, and get coverage in just a few more minutes.

When Will I
Be Covered?

This plan will start right away, and cover you wherever you are in the world.

Because we don’t want you to be left without it when you need it most.

I Have Health Insurance.
Why Would I Need AME?

AME can help reimburse your out-of-pocket health insurance costs after a covered accident.

Plus, Chubb’s AME plan helps satisfy out-ofpocket expenses on your major medical plan, such as deductibles, co-pays or co-insurance responsibilities.

How Can I Use
Money From a Claim?

This plan is designed to help pay your out-of-pocket medical expenses not covered by your health insurance, to help you pay your deductible, as well as any co-pays and co-insurances.

Which could help to take the weight off your mind, and your finances.

Any Questions?

Find out more about our plans, and learn how they can help support you and your family.

Or call us on (000) 000-0000 or email us at support@companyname.com
