Extra Support
When Hospitalized

Hospital Cash Insurance

Focus on Your Recovery

Hospital visits don't need to be as stressful as you might think.

We can lend a hand by providing cash benefits directly to you when you are hospitalized due to an accident or sickness, so you can keep your mind on getting better.

About Hospital Cash
Insurance Coverage


Hospital Cash Insurance is designed to pay you cash for covered medical treatment and services due to an accident or sickness.

For example, you'll get fixed daily payments for covered hospital inpatient stays, and an additional daily benefit if you spend time in the ICU due to a covered accident or sickness.

Depending on the plan you choose, you'll get fixed payments for a visit to an emergency room and even covered doctor's visits. You can use the payments towards any remaining medical expenses — or your daily costs like groceries, childcare, rent or your mortgage. It's your choice.

And even if your health insurance paid your medical costs in full, you'd still be able to make a claim on your Hospital Cash Insurance policy.

Get Your Quick Quote

Get an idea of how much you'll pay for a plan in moments, and get coverage in just a few more minutes.

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Share your email to save your quick quote and agree to our Privacy Policy. We'll never sell your data.

When Will I Be Covered?

Your worldwide coverage starts instantly after enrollment.

I Have Health Insurance. Why Would I Need Hospital Cash Insurance?

Your health insurance may not cover every cost of a hospital visit – and it won't cover your personal expenses. This extra support can make a real difference.

How Can I Use Money From a Claim?

However you like. It's yours.

You could put it towards hospital costs, use it to pay for everyday groceries or bills, or anything else.

Any Questions?

Find out more about our plans, and learn how they can help support you and your family.

Or call us on (000) 000-0000 or email us at support@companyname.com
